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Your Go-to Guide to Easy Teaching Resources

Discover a wide range of teaching resources, including free and teacher-created resources, special education tools, and subject-specific materials. Learn how Quizizz can enhance your teaching with its vast library and gamification features.

What are teaching resources?

Teaching resources help teachers create effective and engaging lessons. They can be anything from worksheets and lesson plans to interactive quizzes and educational games. Think of them as the ingredients that make up the perfect recipe for learning. Having the right resources can make teaching smoother and learning more fun for students.

Why do teaching resources matter?

Teaching resources greatly affect how well students understand and retain information. Good resources can turn a boring lesson into an exciting adventure. They help break down complex topics into digestible chunks and keep students engaged.

For example, you can use a pizza chart to explain the concept of fractions, which will make it clearer for students. They will get it instantly because they can relate to dividing a pizza. This is the power of the right teaching resource — it makes learning click.

Where can teachers find free online teaching resources?

Finding free teaching resources has never been easier, thanks to the internet. However, at Quizizz, you can find a vast library of questions, free printable worksheets and interactive lessons, and activities, created by the awesome teaching community across the world.

How does Quizizz come into the picture?

Quizizz is a fantastic tool for teachers looking to spice up their lessons. Here’s how it helps:

Free interactive worksheets

Quizizz offers free worksheets that teachers can filter according to subjects and grades and then print right away!

A screen on Quizizz displaying a Power-Up called 'Double Jeopardy' that awards double the points for a correct answer

Gamification and engagement

With features like Points, Leaderboards, and fun themes, Quizizz makes learning feel like a game. This keeps students engaged and motivated.

Different accommodations available in Quizizz

Vast library of resources

Quizizz has a massive library of assessments, quizzes, and interactive lessons created by teachers worldwide. Whether you need a quick quiz or a full lesson, you’ll find something useful.

A screen displaying different question types on Quizizz


You can easily customize your own or pre-made acticities to fit your specific classroom needs.

Pre-made Lesson Plan templates

Many ready-made lesson plan templates are available that you can save, print, and use right away.

With Quizizz, you can make learning more interactive and enjoyable for your students while also saving yourself time on lesson planning.zz

Dive into the world of teaching resources!

Teaching resources are the backbone of effective teaching. They help make complex topics easier to understand and keep students engaged. With so many free resources available online, finding what you need is easier than ever. Platforms like Quizizz offer many tools to support teachers and make learning fun. So dive in, explore, and find the perfect resources to make your lessons shine!