Offer engaging, standards-aligned learning that empowers every secondary student to succeed.
Contact us to learn about using Quizizz across your curriculum.
Use our 15+ different question types to determine student understandings from recall to higher-order thinking.
Add images, videos, and other media to enhance depth, understanding, and interest in the content.
Districts and schools can tag content and reports with State Standards, including CCSS and TEKS.
Access meaningful Data Reports, including Longitudinal Growth Graphs, to monitor progress over time.
“Quizizz changed the way I do assessments. I use it almost every week. The game element motivates students and eases anxiety they have with traditional assessments. I can also give them multiple attempts so they can get feedback on topics they need to study. I gain data for myself as students go through their attempts. I can ask so many different types of questions and can challenge the class more because of this. Plus I can mine the teacher-created material on the site for other good questions to use. Quizizz always seems to be adding new features and updating the site. I’ve been thrilled with Quizizz and recommend it to every educator I can.”
“My students are fully engaged when learning from Quizizz. It helps them stay organized and reach mastery level in the target language.”
“I often use Quizizz for quick reading checks to help kids stay accountable for nightly assigned reading. I have also made a semester exam on Quizizz before. Hello automatic checking & scoring!!! I was able to have exams graded instantly, only grading essays ‘by hand’. Quizizz saved me hours of time, which was priceless.”
“Quizizz challenges students to compete with each other. It is also engages them and lets them take responsibility for their learning.”
“Quizizz changed the way I do assessments. I use it almost every week. The game element motivates students and eases anxiety they have with traditional assessments. I can also give them multiple attempts so they can get feedback on topics they need to study. I gain data for myself as students go through their attempts. I can ask so many different types of questions and can challenge the class more because of this. Plus I can mine the teacher-created material on the site for other good questions to use. Quizizz always seems to be adding new features and updating the site. I’ve been thrilled with Quizizz and recommend it to every educator I can.”
“My students are fully engaged when learning from Quizizz. It helps them stay organized and reach mastery level in the target language.”
“I often use Quizizz for quick reading checks to help kids stay accountable for nightly assigned reading. I have also made a semester exam on Quizizz before. Hello automatic checking & scoring!!! I was able to have exams graded instantly, only grading essays ‘by hand’. Quizizz saved me hours of time, which was priceless.”
“Quizizz challenges students to compete with each other. It is also engages them and lets them take responsibility for their learning.”
“Quizizz changed the way I do assessments. I use it almost every week. The game element motivates students and eases anxiety they have with traditional assessments. I can also give them multiple attempts so they can get feedback on topics they need to study. I gain data for myself as students go through their attempts. I can ask so many different types of questions and can challenge the class more because of this. Plus I can mine the teacher-created material on the site for other good questions to use. Quizizz always seems to be adding new features and updating the site. I’ve been thrilled with Quizizz and recommend it to every educator I can.”
“My students are fully engaged when learning from Quizizz. It helps them stay organized and reach mastery level in the target language.”
“I often use Quizizz for quick reading checks to help kids stay accountable for nightly assigned reading. I have also made a semester exam on Quizizz before. Hello automatic checking & scoring!!! I was able to have exams graded instantly, only grading essays ‘by hand’. Quizizz saved me hours of time, which was priceless.”
“Quizizz challenges students to compete with each other. It is also engages them and lets them take responsibility for their learning.”
“Quizizz changed the way I do assessments. I use it almost every week. The game element motivates students and eases anxiety they have with traditional assessments. I can also give them multiple attempts so they can get feedback on topics they need to study. I gain data for myself as students go through their attempts. I can ask so many different types of questions and can challenge the class more because of this. Plus I can mine the teacher-created material on the site for other good questions to use. Quizizz always seems to be adding new features and updating the site. I’ve been thrilled with Quizizz and recommend it to every educator I can.”
“My students are fully engaged when learning from Quizizz. It helps them stay organized and reach mastery level in the target language.”
“I often use Quizizz for quick reading checks to help kids stay accountable for nightly assigned reading. I have also made a semester exam on Quizizz before. Hello automatic checking & scoring!!! I was able to have exams graded instantly, only grading essays ‘by hand’. Quizizz saved me hours of time, which was priceless.”
“Quizizz challenges students to compete with each other. It is also engages them and lets them take responsibility for their learning.”
“Quizizz changed the way I do assessments. I use it almost every week. The game element motivates students and eases anxiety they have with traditional assessments. I can also give them multiple attempts so they can get feedback on topics they need to study. I gain data for myself as students go through their attempts. I can ask so many different types of questions and can challenge the class more because of this. Plus I can mine the teacher-created material on the site for other good questions to use. Quizizz always seems to be adding new features and updating the site. I’ve been thrilled with Quizizz and recommend it to every educator I can.”
“My students are fully engaged when learning from Quizizz. It helps them stay organized and reach mastery level in the target language.”
“I often use Quizizz for quick reading checks to help kids stay accountable for nightly assigned reading. I have also made a semester exam on Quizizz before. Hello automatic checking & scoring!!! I was able to have exams graded instantly, only grading essays ‘by hand’. Quizizz saved me hours of time, which was priceless.”
“Quizizz challenges students to compete with each other. It is also engages them and lets them take responsibility for their learning.”
“I’ve been using Quizizz for the majority of my teaching career and it’s my favorite platform out there. My AP students get bombarded with mind-numbing key terms and court cases each unit. Quizizz helps them review for quizzes and tests, and they love the competing atmosphere to help push each other to do better. At the end, the Quizizz data allows me to focus my teaching on concepts that are still challenging for my students.”
“Quizizz gives immediate feedback for the students and allows me to see if they understand the concepts that they learned that day, or if they’re confused. I can also see which topics they are struggling with.”
“Quizizz is a platform that allows students to smile and have fun while learning content without feeling like they’re taking a quiz. I love that I can allow students to try again, even when they do not succeed at first. That feature is my favorite as an educator!”
“Quizizz motivates my students by making academics into a competitive game. Then, I utilize the data from Quizizz to drive my instruction and reteach concepts[.purple-bold].”
“I’ve been using Quizizz for the majority of my teaching career and it’s my favorite platform out there. My AP students get bombarded with mind-numbing key terms and court cases each unit. Quizizz helps them review for quizzes and tests, and they love the competing atmosphere to help push each other to do better. At the end, the Quizizz data allows me to focus my teaching on concepts that are still challenging for my students.”
“Quizizz gives immediate feedback for the students and allows me to see if they understand the concepts that they learned that day, or if they’re confused. I can also see which topics they are struggling with.”
“Quizizz is a platform that allows students to smile and have fun while learning content without feeling like they’re taking a quiz. I love that I can allow students to try again, even when they do not succeed at first. That feature is my favorite as an educator!”
“Quizizz motivates my students by making academics into a competitive game. Then, I utilize the data from Quizizz to drive my instruction and reteach concepts[.purple-bold].”
“I’ve been using Quizizz for the majority of my teaching career and it’s my favorite platform out there. My AP students get bombarded with mind-numbing key terms and court cases each unit. Quizizz helps them review for quizzes and tests, and they love the competing atmosphere to help push each other to do better. At the end, the Quizizz data allows me to focus my teaching on concepts that are still challenging for my students.”
“Quizizz gives immediate feedback for the students and allows me to see if they understand the concepts that they learned that day, or if they’re confused. I can also see which topics they are struggling with.”
“Quizizz is a platform that allows students to smile and have fun while learning content without feeling like they’re taking a quiz. I love that I can allow students to try again, even when they do not succeed at first. That feature is my favorite as an educator!”
“Quizizz motivates my students by making academics into a competitive game. Then, I utilize the data from Quizizz to drive my instruction and reteach concepts[.purple-bold].”
“I’ve been using Quizizz for the majority of my teaching career and it’s my favorite platform out there. My AP students get bombarded with mind-numbing key terms and court cases each unit. Quizizz helps them review for quizzes and tests, and they love the competing atmosphere to help push each other to do better. At the end, the Quizizz data allows me to focus my teaching on concepts that are still challenging for my students.”
“Quizizz gives immediate feedback for the students and allows me to see if they understand the concepts that they learned that day, or if they’re confused. I can also see which topics they are struggling with.”
“Quizizz is a platform that allows students to smile and have fun while learning content without feeling like they’re taking a quiz. I love that I can allow students to try again, even when they do not succeed at first. That feature is my favorite as an educator!”
“Quizizz motivates my students by making academics into a competitive game. Then, I utilize the data from Quizizz to drive my instruction and reteach concepts[.purple-bold].”
“I’ve been using Quizizz for the majority of my teaching career and it’s my favorite platform out there. My AP students get bombarded with mind-numbing key terms and court cases each unit. Quizizz helps them review for quizzes and tests, and they love the competing atmosphere to help push each other to do better. At the end, the Quizizz data allows me to focus my teaching on concepts that are still challenging for my students.”
“Quizizz gives immediate feedback for the students and allows me to see if they understand the concepts that they learned that day, or if they’re confused. I can also see which topics they are struggling with.”
“Quizizz is a platform that allows students to smile and have fun while learning content without feeling like they’re taking a quiz. I love that I can allow students to try again, even when they do not succeed at first. That feature is my favorite as an educator!”
“Quizizz motivates my students by making academics into a competitive game. Then, I utilize the data from Quizizz to drive my instruction and reteach concepts[.purple-bold].”
“Quizizz changed the way I do assessments. I use it almost every week. The game element motivates students and eases anxiety they have with traditional assessments. I can also give them multiple attempts so they can get feedback on topics they need to study. I gain data for myself as students go through their attempts. I can ask so many different types of questions and can challenge the class more because of this. Plus I can mine the teacher-created material on the site for other good questions to use. Quizizz always seems to be adding new features and updating the site. I’ve been thrilled with Quizizz and recommend it to every educator I can.”
“My students are fully engaged when learning from Quizizz. It helps them stay organized and reach mastery level in the target language.”
“I often use Quizizz for quick reading checks to help kids stay accountable for nightly assigned reading. I have also made a semester exam on Quizizz before. Hello automatic checking & scoring!!! I was able to have exams graded instantly, only grading essays ‘by hand’. Quizizz saved me hours of time, which was priceless.”
“Quizizz challenges students to compete with each other. It is also engages them and lets them take responsibility for their learning.”
“I’ve been using Quizizz for the majority of my teaching career and it’s my favorite platform out there. My AP students get bombarded with mind-numbing key terms and court cases each unit. Quizizz helps them review for quizzes and tests, and they love the competing atmosphere to help push each other to do better. At the end, the Quizizz data allows me to focus my teaching on concepts that are still challenging for my students.”
“Quizizz gives immediate feedback for the students and allows me to see if they understand the concepts that they learned that day, or if they’re confused. I can also see which topics they are struggling with.”
“Quizizz is a platform that allows students to smile and have fun while learning content without feeling like they’re taking a quiz. I love that I can allow students to try again, even when they do not succeed at first. That feature is my favorite as an educator!”
“Quizizz motivates my students by making academics into a competitive game. Then, I utilize the data from Quizizz to drive my instruction and reteach concepts[.purple-bold].”
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.