Close gaps, open doors with Accommodations

Create equitable learning for all your students with unique accommodations built in to every assessment, lesson, or assignment.
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What educators are saying

"The accommodations are perfect to put in place for each of my special class students. The dyslexia font, read aloud, and text size have been very helpful.  Students are able to move at their own pace instead of having to wait for me to read each question."

Amy McCormick, Great Hollow Middle School, Special Education Teacher

How it works

  1. To get started, create or log into your Quizizz account!
  2. Create a class if you don’t already have one
  3. Create a quiz and select your class and students when you choose your mode
  4. Assign accessibility accommodations and start meeting the needs of all your students
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Accommodation Profiles

Finally, the support you really need to reach every student

Ensure technology is compliant and reduce specific barriers to learning with 25+ accessibility features

Get Started
Arrow pointing right
Dyslexia font
Audio responses
Extra time
Reduce answer options

We’re doing edtech differently

Using technology to remove student barriers
We know technology alone doesn’t change the world, but it can make education more accessible to everyone. That’s why Quizizz is working to reduce barriers for students, especially multilingual learners or those who have IEP and 504 plans.
Creating equitable learning environments for every student
While other edtech offers modifications, we’re tackling the biggest challenge in classrooms today: true personalization which creates equity for all students so they can access the same content as peers, but with built-in accommodations. With Accommodation Profiles, students have assignments, lessons, or assessments that meet their exact needs.
A commitment to responsible accessibility
Quizizz Accommodation Profiles are built for students on IEP or 504 plans or who are multilingual learners. This data is sensitive. Student data privacy remains our top priority. 


Accommodation Profiles

Support every student like you mean it
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