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Partner and Grow with Quizizz

Join a global community of Quizizz Partners and drive impactful learning experiences in schools and educational institutions from your network.

An illustration of a man wearing a blue blazer, holding a globe in ahis hand against the backdrop of a graph.

Why Become a Quizizz Partner?

Grow with us
Unlock commissions up to 50% with a custom structure crafted to match your efforts & focus market.
Global market
Quizizz currently engages over 50 million educators and learners in 150 countries. Explore our global case studies in the FAQs.
Customizable learning solution for your clients
Empower your clients with relevant customizations for any grade and subject, such as leveraging Quizizz AI for instant lesson and test planning, adaptation to specific state curriculums, flexible grading, adaptive instructions for every student, and more.
hands holding a diamond
Access to PD & educator community resources
Elevate your expertise with exclusive access to Quizizz University and a wealth of PD resources, or connect with a thriving educator community.
Reliable support
Partner onboarding & marketing support to help get started. Our goal is to ensure your success and reach out to every learner across the world.

Are you a good fit?

Quizizz Partner Program is designed for agencies, service providers, and sellers specializing in:

  1. Tech implementation of education platforms like LMS Solutions, Google Education, Microsoft Education, Apple Education, etc.

  2. Hands-on services for teacher training, recruitment, and other related PD opportunities for educators.

  3. Consulting/Tender/RFP with government agencies, especially in the education sector.

  4. Hardware supplies such as Chromebooks, Laptops, Tablets, Smart AVs, or any related systems to educational institutions.


Why become a Quizizz Partner?
How does the commission structure work?
What resources and support do you provide?
How has Quizizz made an impact globally?