Engage. Inspire.

Become a Quizizz student ambassador and join the frontlines of the growing EdTech industry.

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Open for ages 13 to 18 worldwide
A student applying got Quizizz Ambassador program

Why become a Quizizz Ambassador?

Experience the start-up world
Gain valuable experience in a fast-growing EdTech start-up
Join a global student community
Expand your network and connections all across the globe
Create a long-lasting impact
Influence the future of education and students worldwide
“The IQAPS program is one of the most insightful programs that I have ever taken part in. Your insights are important in this program, and if you put time and hard work into this program, the Quizizz liaisons will make your ideas come to fruition on the site!”
Rohan B
Team Lead
“A program where you gain insights into a plethora of valuable educational technology skills and insight into business! I loved the way the program was broken down into activities to complete memorable tasks for Quizizz!”
Alberto V
Team Lead
“This program was such a cool experience and offered a unique opportunity to work directly with Quizizz. I was initially afraid before starting, but ultimately, I found that everyone was super friendly, welcoming, and helpful”
Team member
“IQAPS program allowed me to broaden my scope to what goes into research data collection and how that data can be used to create a new form of game development. This was a great program for me to use my imagination to create that new game design and present all of the hard work.”
Jasmeet S
Team Member
“I really enjoyed being a part of IQAPS Q1! It helped me grow as a leader while also letting me unleash my creative potential, as well as collaborate and spend time with my friends. I found it to be incredibly accessible and welcoming to all”
Ayushmaan M
Team Lead
“This program was a great experience. I had a really good team and we had a lot of fun working on the different projects and collaborating with each other.”
Team member

How it works

1. Apply and join the program.
2. Get certified as a Quizizz ambassador! 
Apply now
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Applications are now open!

The Team

Sanghyuk Ko

Program Director

Chloe Kim

Program Director


What is the International Quizizz Ambassador Program for Students (IQAPS)?
What are the benefits of joining IQAPS?
Who can apply to be a Quizizz ambassador?
What does the application process look like?
Is there any cost? Do you get paid?

Ready to boost your skills and become a Quizizz Ambassador ?

Shape the world of EdTech and join a thriving community of student leaders from across the globe.

Quizizz Ambassador certificate