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Motivate every student

Quizizz is more than gamified quizzes. We are assessment, instruction, and practice that motivate every student to mastery.

Today, we’re used by teachers in 86% of U.S. schools who have created and shared 30+ million activities.

50M+ people, in 150+ countries answering 50M+ questions/day.

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Our story

Ankit and Deepak founded Quizizz in 2015, while teaching remedial math at a school in Bangalore, India.

Today, Quizizz supports millions of students in over 150 countries from offices in Santa Monica, California and Bangalore, India.

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3110 Main Street Building C Santa Monica, CA 90405
Bangalore Office
Quizizz, 1-9, 1st Main, Sector 6, HSR layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka. 560102
The best way to ask questions, explore ideas, and let students show what they know.

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