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Free Preschool Lesson Plans

Check out our collection of sample lesson plans and free lesson plan templates for preschool. Browse, print, and download today!

Explore free lesson plans for preschool

Creating engaging preschool lesson plans is key to teaching our youngest learners. These plans blend educational activities (think science lesson plans for preschoolers) with creative ones, such as movement and music lesson plans for preschoolers. Thankfully, a wealth of resources is available to support teachers in this task. 

Preschool teacher lesson plans aim to ignite curiosity and creativity. They include tailored activities perfect for preschoolers, offering a broad range of learning experiences. For instance, a preschool weekly lesson plan can be used to explore anything from the natural world to road safety, feelings, and more!

Sample Lesson Plan for Preschool

Looking for inspiration? There are many samples of lesson plans for preschool that you can access online. Each preschool lesson plan is an opportunity to make learning vibrant and support children’s development.

On this page, you’ll find a ready-to-go preschool lesson plan tailored for early childhood learning. It includes fun activities and themes, making every day exciting and educational for young learners. This plan is perfect for sparking curiosity and creativity in your preschool class.

Preschool Lesson Plan: Animals

Preschool (Ages 3-5)
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, preschoolers will be able to:
Identify at least five different animals
Describe the basic characteristics of these animals (e.g., the sounds they make and where they live

Activity 1: Animal Parade
To help learners identify different animals and mimic their sounds
Procedure: Children will choose their favorite animal from a selection of animal masks. They will then parade around the classroom, mimicking the sounds their chosen animal makes.
Duration: 15 minutes

Activity 2: Animal Habitat Craft
To introduce the concept of habitats and where different animals live
Procedure: Using craft materials, children will create simple habitats (such as a farm, jungle, or the ocean) on paper plates. They will then place stickers of animals in their corresponding habitats.
Duration: 20 minutes

Activity 3: Story Time - ‘Dear Zoo’
To reinforce the learning of animals and their characteristics
Procedure: Read ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell or a similar animal-themed book. After reading, discuss the animals in the book, focusing on their characteristics and why they might or might not make good pets.
Duration: 10 minutes

Materials Needed

Animal masks or pictures
Craft supplies (paper plates, colored paper, glue, markers)
Animal stickers or animal figures
‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell (or another animal-themed book)
Images or flashcards of various animals and their habitats
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Free preschool lesson plan templates

Here, we’ve curated a selection of free, customizable preschool lesson plan templates. They’re crafted to make your teaching smoother, letting you tweak each lesson to suit your preschoolers’ unique interests and learning styles. Tap into these templates and create engaging classroom experiences with ease.

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Looking for more lesson plan templates to meet different learning needs? We’ve got you covered. Head over to our complete collection, where you’ll find a wide range of lesson plan resources. Click on the button below to explore them today!

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