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10 questions
What does hygiene mean?
Keeping your body clean.
Keeping your house organized.
Keeping your locker clean.
Keeping your word.
What are the three sides to your health triangle?
Social - Mental/Emotional - Grades
Social - Mental/Emotional - Family
Social - Mental/Emotional - Physical
Social - Mental/Emotional - School
What can you do to take care of your nails?
Wash them only.
Wash hands regularly. Trim nails. Use lotion to keep nails and skin moist.
Leave them alone.
Cut them close to the skin.
Which of the following are true about body odor?
Caused by bacteria on surface of skin.
When bacteria mix with sweat it creates a bad odor.
During the teen years body odor becomes more noticeable.
All of these are true.
When you practice good hygiene, you look your best, and feel good about yourself. This affects which side of the health triangle?
Physical health
Mental/ Emotional health
Social health
None of these
With good hygiene you are more confident around others which strengthens which part of the health triangle?
Physical health
Mental/Emotional health
Social health
None of these
When you have good hygiene it keeps your body healthy which effects which part of the health triangle?
Physical health
Mental/Emotional health
Social health
None of these
Your skin is the largest organ in your body.
An important part of maintaining good _______________ is washing your hands thoroughly and often.
Two important keys to having healthy teeth and gums are...
proper brushing and flossing
proper brushing and mouth wash
mouth wash only
brushing only
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