Multiple Choice Question Generator

Just paste a block of text, enter a topic, paste a web link, or upload a document, and get ready-to-use questions in seconds. Copy, export as PDF, or host it on Quizizz as an interactive and auto-graded activity to get immediate feedback!‍
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Quizizz for schools and districts
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Generates based on your content

This multiple-choice question generator is part of Quizizz's AI Toolkit for teachers. It is designed to enable educators to create questions from their existing content or from the subjects and topics they’re teaching!

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Customizable for every classroom

Adapt it for specific grades, subjects, and languages. You can get specific and add further refinement by selecting AI-generated subtopics that ensure alignment with your instructional goals and student needs.

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Flexible for different teaching styles

Once you have your questions, you can copy them, export them as a PDF, or use them directly on Quizizz. On Quizizz, you can add accommodations for students who need it, host it in multiple game modes and lesson styles as an interactive quiz, and also get immediate feedback to gauge student understanding.

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Multiple choice question generator - AI toolkit by Quizizz

This multiple-choice question generator is part of the AI Toolkit created for teachers by Quizizz. The AI toolkit is designed to help educators reduce the time they spend doing repetitive tasks that AI can handle and instead focus on supporting their students in ways that only they can!

A weekend all to yourself is possible. Why not make it this weekend?

Plan your next lesson and adapt it to the needs of every student in a matter of minutes.