HSC 2023

Subject syllabuses, past papers, timetable, and key dates

What is the HSC, and what does it stand for?

The HSC stands for Higher School Certificate, and it is awarded to students after they complete Year 12 of their school education. This certification is earned by students in New South Wales (NSW) and parts of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). 

To receive the HSC, students must satisfy a number of course requirements in Year 11 and Year 12. The courses and subjects include English, Maths, Science, Business Studies, Technology, Creative Arts, Vocational Education and Training (VET), and Life Skills.

Preparing for the HSC: helpful resources and guides

As of 2023, the HSC stands as the most popular school credential in Australia. Here is a selection of resources that students can use as they work towards achieving the HSC.

HSC Timetable 2023

The official HSC timetable issued by the NSWA Education Standards Authority (NESA) is a handy guide while preparing for exams. 

This timetable lists all the important dates related to the submission of work, assessment marks, and grades, the beginning and end of exams, the release of results, and enrollment for the following year. Click on the button below to learn more!

HSC Syllabus

Syllabuses hold the key to understanding curriculum. NESA outlines the various subjects, courses, content, and skills that students must master on their path to receiving the HSC. You can find detailed syllabuses for each subject offered in HSC courses, including chemistry, agriculture, drama, English Advanced, Geography, Mathematics, and so much more.

HSC Past Papers

Practicing with past papers is a sure-fire way to feel more prepared for the HSC. Past papers enable students to get more familiar with question formats and exam standards. Here, you can browse through the exam papers for HSC subjects like Mathematics Advanced, Biology, English Advanced, and Economics. 

There are also a number of formulae sheets and data sheets that come in handy while practicing with HSC past papers. You can click on the links below to download them.

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Ace the HSC with Quizizz

Whether you’re looking for HSC worksheets or preparing a deck of flashcards for revision, Quizizz is here to support you. Generate activities in seconds with Quizizz AI, create interactive lessons, browse the Library for practice tests, and get set to ace the HSC!