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When I receive a meeting invite for a meeting I am aware of and have agreed already in person to attend then I
Will promptly respond to the meeting request with a (YES)
May ignore responding to it if there are other priorities
May use the Tentative option (MAYBE)
When I receive a meeting invite for a meeting I am not aware of, but included in, I need to
Respond to the meeting request with a (YES)
Ignore the meeting request as I am not clear of my purpose in the meeting
Check the agenda of the meeting and decide if I have to be a part of it in the light of other priorities and accordingly respond with YES/NO/MAYBE.
When we receive a meeting invite, of a meeting I know I cannot attend, I need to
Respond to the meeting with a tentative option of MAYBE)
Respond with a no Including reason for declining the invite
Use an informal means (Whatsapp/ Call ) to let concerned people know you won’t be attending
If you accept an invite to a meeting you cannot attend, you must:
Edit the response and Cancel the invite
Edit the response and Cancel the invite, apologise for the mismanagement of schedule with appropriate explanation
Write to the meeting organizer separately explaining the reason for cancelling the invite
Ignore the situation, if you have a good relationship and rapport with the organizer
When leaving office on a personal leave or vacation, as a professional email practice I must ensure
I inform everyone where I am going and why by mail
Delegate all my responsibilities to others so I man not disturbed during my leave
Set the OOO (Out of Office communication) to let people writing to you know of your absence and who to connect with
The ideal response time for a business email should be
Within 30 minutes of receiving the mail
Within the 24 hours of receiving a mail
Before end of the business day on which you receive the mail
When I receive an email requesting for something which I know I cannot immediately complete, I will
Acknowledge the request and commit a time no matter what
Acknowledge the mail and let the sender know to expect a delay in task completion along with new timelines
I will start working on the request and respond only once I have completed the request
To ensure my mail is understood and purpose of communication achieved first time right, I must I
Ensure my mail is short and sweet
Ensure I have included what, why, where, when, how and who related to the subject
Ensure the reader feels happy with my communication
When I get an email request for a task where I cannot commit specific timeliness, I must
Respond giving standard timelines even if it may not be accurate
Respond using commitments like as soon as possible, or at the earliest
Respond saying you will check and revert on exact timeliness or perhaps give tentative time it takes to complete the task
If your mails attract too many queries around the same subject, it is probably feedback that
You need to check if your communication is clear and concise and easy for your audience to understand.
Your receiver is not on the same page as you and doesn’t like you
The channel of communication is incorrect
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