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5 questions
What is the health triangle?
Physical Health
Mental/Emotional Health
Social Health
all of the above
What is Physical Health
Things you do with and for your body that is healthy or unhealthy
Knowing when to ask for help and thinking positive and in healthy ways.
How well you get along with others
All of the above
What is Mental/Emotional Health?
How well you get along with others
Knowing when to ask for help and thinking positive and in healthy ways.
Things you do with and for your body that is healthy or unhealthy
All of the above
Social Health
Knowing when to ask for help and thinking positive and in healthy ways.
How well you get along with others
Things you do with and for your body that is healthy or unhealthy
All of the above
Why is the Health Triangle so important
it helps us all get along
it keeps us healthy in all ways
it lets us eat healthy
All of the above
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