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Introducing Instructional Suite

“I had no idea Quizizz
could do that.”

- Almost everybody

Create and deliver bell-to-bell curriculum
resources that meet the needs of every student.

Trusted by teachers in 90% of U.S. Schools and 150+ countries.

Now we support every part of your lesson.
Here’s how it works


Adapt anything in your curriculum with an assist from AI when you want it.


Deliver differentiated instruction that’s as unique as your students.


Get results. Witness joy. Repeat.

Yvette Switzer
4th Grade Teacher
“I use Quizizz to reinforce and check understanding after we've covered a concept pretty thoroughly. I use it in stations. I use it for tutoring. I also use it to review and prepare my students for benchmark and state tests. They love it every time.

Start adapting your curriculum in minutes.

The best way to create, adapt, and deliver resources differentiated for every student.

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