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10 questions
Can you have multiple permitted drivers insured to drive the same vehicle?
What classification of cover does 'S D P' stand for?
Social, Domestic & Pleasure
Standard, Domestic & Pleasure
Standard, Domestic & Private
Snape, Dumbledore & Pomfrey
Does 'SDP+ Commuting' cover you for multiple places of work?
No, it doesn't cover your place of work at all
No, it only covers you for one place of work
Yes, it covers multiple work locations
If you choose the incorrect insurance cover, could this lead to a criminal conviction?
Which classification of insurance cover would a Driving Instructor most likely require?
Personal Business Use
Social, Domestic and Pleasure
Social, Domestic, Pleasure and Commuting
Are all car insurance companies registered with Experian and their Motor Insurance Database (MID)?
If an MOT has expired, could it invalidate the insurance policy attached to that vehicle?
Potentially, it depends on the insurance policy.
Can a policy holder be excluded from the list of permitted drivers that are able to drive the vehicle?
What are the penalties for driving without insurance? Tick all that apply.
Seizure of the vehicle
Points on licence
Driving Disqualification
When is insurance not needed or required? Tick all that apply.
Vehicle has been declared off road (SORN)
When driving a vehicle on a test drive
Notification the vehicle has been scrapped, stolen or exported
Vehicle is only driven on private land that doesn't have public access
Vehicle is parked on a road but is not used
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