Social Studies




SST Quiz


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt
    What did Asoka do after the war in Kalinga was over?
    Asoka stopped wars of aggression and felt guilty about his actions.
    He continued wars of aggression in Southern India and conquered all of the forest tribes.
    Asoka allowed the Kalingans to rule over themselves as long as they paid taxes.
    Asoka forced the remaining Kalingans to be slaves in the Mauryan Empire.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    20 seconds
    1 pt
    What did Asoka do for his people once he converted to Buddhism?
    He forced his the people of Mauryan Empire to convert to Buddhism.
    He began to punish anyone in his empire that practiced Hinduism.
    He rejected violence, gave rich gifts to the poor, and consulted local communities about proper governance and good conduct.
    He divided up all of the land in his empire and gave each family an equal portion of land
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    18. What caused Asoka to change his way of life?
    A. The sufferings created by the war in Kalinga disturbed Asoka, so he converted to Buddhism.
    B.  The second Mauryan emperor, Bindusara, ruled for twenty-five years.
    C.  The armies of Buddha conquered his land and forced him to change.
    D.  His wife the queen asked him to change.
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