Offerings in Leviticus
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5th Grade
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Multiple Choice
What is the Burnt offering?
He can forgive you through his prescribed sacrifice
He can and will forgive you
He will only forgive you through his sacrifice
He will never forgive you
Multiple Choice
What is an Alter
A warm bed
A place where people burn animals as a sacrifice
A place to burn animals as a sacrifice
A place where only priests are allowed to make sacrifices
Multiple Choice
What is a Grain or Cereal offering?
An offering that is added to the burnt offering to depict thanksgiving
An offering that is added to the burnt offering to depict graduated
An offering that is added to the burnt offering to depict peace
An offering that is added to the burnt offering to depict Worth
Multiple Choice
What is a Drink or Libation offering?
A liquid that is poured on top of the grain offering as a symbol of joy
A liquid that is poured on top of the burnt offering as a symbol of joy
A liquid that is poured on top of the burnt offering as a symbol of thankfulness
A liquid that is poured on top of the grain offering as a symbol of repentance
Multiple Choice
What is the Peace offering?
An optional offering given in addition to the libation offering
An optional offering given in addition to the grain offering
An optional offering given in addition to the burnt offering
An optional offering put on the alter
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