Dog Breed Intended Uses


Laurel Ingalls
History, Fun
8th Grade - University
22 plays
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9 questions
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Multiple Choice
What was the Dachshund's intended use?
To herd cattle and other farm animals
To retrieve badgers and other burrowing game
To guard Tibetan temples
To sniff out gunpowder and other explosives
Answer explanation
Dachshunds' short legs and narrow bodies allow them to stay low to the ground to track scents and be able to squeeze through badger holes and other small burrows
Multiple Choice
What were Portuguese water dogs bred to do?
Livestock guarding
Soley bred for companionship
Lead their handlers to water sources
Retrieve lost tackle/nets and herd fish
Answer explanation
These dogs were trained to herd fish into nets, retrieve supplies and overboard sailors, and swim messages from ships to shore!
Multiple Choice
What were Rhodesian Ridgebacks bred to do?
Hunt lions
Dog fighting
Livestock herding
Search and rescue
Answer explanation
Rhodesian Ridgebacks, originally from Rhodesia (modern day Zimbabwe) were trained to help humans hunt lions by chasing and tiring them out in packs!
Multiple Choice
What were Shih Tzus bred for originally?
To provide long hair for wig making
To catch mice and other pests
Guarding Tibetan monk temples
To hunt crustaceans and other small marine life
Answer explanation
These pups were bred to bark when people or animals approached the temples and quickly became a companion breed
Multiple Choice
What were Yorkshire Terriers bred for?
Dog fighting
Hunting mice and rats
Retrieving ducks and other birds
Soley bred for companionship
Answer explanation
Yorkies were used to catch mice and rats in the Yorkshire mills!
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