
7th -



Show not Tell Homework Quiz


22 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    "I went to the grocery store."

    Which of the following sentences best shows your meaning instead of just telling it?

    I went to the grocery store.

    Ingredient list in hand, I went to the grocery store, excited at all the dinner possibilities.

    Today, I went shopping.

    I needed some groceries, so I went to pick up some.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    "I like ice cream."

    Which of the following sentences best shows your meaning instead of just telling it?

    The thought of eating ice cream makes me drool.

    I eat ice cream every day.

    I really, really love ice cream.

    Ice cream is my favorite food.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    "Everyone knows that the house is haunted."

    Which of the following sentences best shows your meaning instead of just telling it?

    My friends and I have never entered the haunted house because we are scared.

    My neighbors said the house was haunted.

    No one dares to enter the old, abandoned house for fear of what may lurk inside.

    I heard there might be ghosts inside that old house.

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