Jamaica's National Symbols

Tori-Ann Brown
Social Studies
6th Grade
71 plays
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8 questions
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Multiple Choice
All members of which set are used to express our nationhood?
Motto, School, Church, Language
Flag, Anthem, Language, University
Culture, Anthem, Pledge, Birds
Anthem, Motto, Coat of Arms, Flag
Multiple Choice
What does the colour gold represent on the Jamaican flag?
The strength of the people
The unity of the people
The natural wealth of jamaica
Multiple Choice
From where does the ackee fruit originate?
West Africa
South America
Multiple Choice
Select Jamaica's national symbol that embodies the statement below
"The sun shineth, the land is green and the people are strong and creative".
Coat of Arms
Multiple Choice
Select from the below scenarios the situation in which the Jamaican flag was wrongly used.
On Heritage Day, during celebrations at Point Clear School the flag was hoisted at 8:00am.
The flag was raised half-way up the pole at Jamaica House when Michael Manley died.
Alex used a Jamaican flag to cover his display table on Jamaica Day.
At the beginning of each school term Merriville Primary has a special flag raising ceremony.
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