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5 questions
1. What are the four types of probability sampling techniques?
A. Simple Random Sampling, System Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Cluster Sampling
B. Simple Random Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Strategy Sampling, Cluster Sampling
C. Simple Random Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Claster Sampling
D. Simple Random Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Cluster Sampling
2. Teacher Joan wants to know if the new learning modalities of the school affect the academic performance of the Grade 7 students. He took the list of students and selected every 8th name in each class list as participant. What is the sampling technique used in the given situation?
A. Simple Random Sampling
B. Systematic Sampling
C. Stratified Sampling
D. Cluster Sampling
3. What sampling technique is used when the researcher would like to consider giving an equal chance to the member of the accessible population being selected as part of the study?
A. Simple Random Sampling
B. Systematic Sampling
C. Stratified Sampling
D. Cluster Sampling
4. Alex’s target population for his study are the employees of hotels in Mindanao. Since there are too many employees in these establishments, he randomly selected ten hotels. Then, considered all employees as participants in his study.
A. Simple Random Sampling
B. Systematic Sampling
C. Stratified Sampling
D. Cluster Sampling
5. A population of 600 Junior High School students includes 180 Grade-7 students, 160 Grade-8 students, 150 Grade-9 students, and 110 Grade-10 students. A sample of 72 Grade-7, 65 Grade-8, 60 Grade-9, and 43 Grade10, a total of 240 students, is selected as respondents of the study.
A. Simple Random Sampling
B. Systematic Sampling
C. Stratified Sampling
D. Cluster Sampling
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