Grade 8 History - WW1- What is propaganda and conscription?


Woodridge Connect
8th Grade
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Multiple Choice
In the context of WW1, What is this image an example of?
Political gain
Fill in the Blank
True or False: In WW1, propaganda came to mean political ideas that were supposed to be misleading.
Multiple Choice
Which one of the M.A.I.N causes of WW1 made it necessary for propaganda to be employed on a global scale?
Imperialism (colonisation)
Multiple Choice
Why were posters first used as a means of propaganda?
Not everyone could read, so posters were an easy way to use pictures to get the populations' attention.
Not everyone had a radio or a television.
It was easier to make a poster then to give a speech.
Easy to create and a cheaper way of communicating with the population.
Multiple Choice
What was the purpose of this poster and why was it necessary?
To encourage soldiers to join the war.
To encourage soldiers to join the war as the population was no longer volunteering anymore. They needed the numbers.
It was just another form of propaganda to get soldiers to volunteer.
The women in Britain wanted their men to go and fight the war.
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