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8 questions
Student's should assuming themselves as:
Social, historical,
thinking, communicating, transformative, creative persons
Dreamers of possible
Active subjets regarding the culture and society
None of above
It involves understanding the relationships between different elements of the linguistic system, communicative context, and sociocultural context:
Critical framing
Overt instruction
Situated practice
Transformed practice
According to Critical Literacy, the Stage 1 of learning (Situated Practice) can take two forms: 1. Experiencing Known Knowledge, 2. Introducing New Knowledge through Immersion.
What is critical literacy?
An approach to teaching and learning how and why particular social and cultural groups of persons occupy unequal political positions of access to social structures
An approach where students learn a subject and a second language at the same time. The language and subject content are given equal weight and that it shouldn’t be treated as a language class
An approach in which learning revolves around the completion of meaningful tasks. The main focus is the authentic use of language for genuine communication
An approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.
Community organizing and media trainings
They participate in and conduct social
Conducting student-choice research projects
Interrogate, interpret and contextualize the empowered and disempowered
What is the main material used in this approach ?
Reading comprehension exercises
Grammar activities
Listening activities
Interactive, meaning focus, purposeful, and reflective texts
When teaching the Critical Thinking ability, students might learn:
Critical Thinking, Critical Pedagogy, Critical Writing.
Critical Thinking, Critical Literacy, Critical Writing.
Critical Thinking, Critical Pedagogy, Critical Literacy.
Critical Thinking, Critical Writing, Critical Reading.
What is the main goal of the final stage in this approach ?
To make an analysis of the text
To reflect on the text.
To deconstruct the text
To generate a critical perspective of the text
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