Y8 Statistical Diagrams
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Joseph Bailie
8th Grade
2 plays
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5 questions
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Open Ended
What does the scatter diagram show about the relationship between the height and mass of the horses?
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Open Ended
A different horse has a mass of 625kg. Use the line of best fit to estimate the height of the horse.
(Don't forget to use units of measurement!)
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Multiple Choice
Select a statement from below which closely describes the relationship between the A and C games.
Positive relationship
No relationship
Negative relationship
Multiple Choice
Select a statement from below which closely describes the relationship between the A and B games.
Positive relationship
No relationship
Negative relationship
Open Ended
The height of a horse is 163 cm. Use the line of best fit to estimate the mass of the horse.
(DON'T forget units of measurement!)
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