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15 questions
Which landform is a long, narrow body of water?
Which landform is an inlet of a large body of water that extends into the land; smaller than a gulf?
Which landform is land surrounded completely by water?
Which landform is a large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land?
Which landform is land rising high above the land around it?
Which landform is a large area of flat grasslands?
Which landform is a large inland body of water?
Which landform is a piece of land surrounded by water on all but one side?
Which landform is a lowland between hills or mountains?
Which landform is an opening in the earth's crust that spills lava, rock, and gases?
Which landform is a vast body of salt water?
Which landform is a low region surrounded by higher land?
Which landform is a deep valley with steep sides?
Which landform is a natural elevation smaller than a mountain?
Which landform is an area of flat land that is higher than the surrounding land?
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