The Treble Clef Lower
L Johnson
Performing Arts
4th - 6th Grade
70 plays
Student preview
8 questions
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Multiple Choice
Which clef have we talked about so far in music class?
The Bass Clef
The Treble Clef
The Apple Clef
Multiple Choice
Is the Treble Clef used for High or Low sounds in music?
Low Sounds
Loud Sounds
High Sounds
Multiple Choice
How many lines do we need to draw the Treble Clef?
2 Lines
10 Lines
5 Lines
Multiple Choice
What is another name for The Treble clef?
The G-Clef
The F-Clef
Multiple Choice
How many spaces does the musical staff have?
No Spaces
2 Spaces
4 Spaces
Multiple Choice
Draw (1) one Treble Clef as neat as possible.
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