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20 questions
Guess the Gibberish 1...
Guess the Gibberish 2...
Beieg beaneg
Guess the Gibberish 3...
Guess the Gibberish 4...
Pohysicss eies ian muwy belooad
Guess the Gibberish 5...
Ei heavoe pootentiaol
Guess the Gibberish 5...
Tohat'ss heow ei rolol
Guess the Gibberish 7...
Iess sahoe cwalculatineg vielocity?
Guess the Gibberish 8...
Tohat'ss muwy wravoe poarticle-dualitwy
Guess the Gibberish 9…
Heoe poroposed, ei doiad nootat riesisat
Guess the Gibberish 10…
Wrhatat doiad porotoan saawy toae tohoe eflectron?
Guess the Gibberish 11…
Pohysicss wrorkss aenad ei'em satilol aelivoe
Guess the Gibberish 12…
Heiggss beosonss saays , heorw cwaan yaoyu heavoe aeo muasss weithoutat moie
Guess the Gibberish 13…
Garavitwy dooesn'tat wrorakk umntiol yaioyu llooakk doowan
Guess the Gibberish 15…
Wrhatat henappenss iean belacakk heole, satayss iean belacakk heoloe
Guess the Gibberish 15…
Llet'ss meakoe poluto, aoe polanetat beacakk
Guess the Gibberish 16…
aoe beodwy attat riest, wrantss toeo satawy attat riestat
Guess the Gibberish 17…
Ei'em nootat llazy, ei aem pohysicallwy cwonservead
Guess the Gibberish 18…
Foier eiverwy atction, toheroe iess aian eiquaol aenad otppositoe rieactioan
Guess the Gibberish 19…
Feactss aeroe nootat saciencoe - aess doictionarwy iess nootat lliteraturoe
Guess the Gibberish 20…
Itat iess noicoe toeo kanow tohatat cwomputeer umnderstandss tohoe porobleem. Beutat ei wroulad llikoe toeo umnderstanad itat toeoo
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