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12 questions
How much do you know about the banks flying fox?
A little bit.
A lot
Why is the banks foying fox Endangered?
(You can select more that one answer)
Land clearing
Global warming
Climate change
What is the banks flying fox average wingspan?
75 - 90 mm
100 - 102 mm
65 - 75 mm
100 - 120 mm
How often does the banks flying fox breed?
They don't
Every 8 months
Once a year
Every 6 months
How many babies does the banks flying fox have a year?
They don't have babies
4 a year
2 every year
Once a year
What are people doing to save the banks flying fox?
(You can chose multiple options)
Perventing people from hunting them.
Finding more about them.
Slowing pollution in its habitat.
They aren't doing anything.
Fun fact:
There is very little to no polution where the banks flying fox lives because of its very small habitat.
Wrong answer
Correct answer
Wrong answer
Wrong answer
Is the banks flying fox one of the smallest flying foxes?
They are the 2nd biggest.
They are the 10th smallest
Does the banks flying fox have the smallest habitat of all flying foxes?
I don't know
It has the biggest
Does the banks flying fox roost in huge groups
10 - 20 usually
50 - 70 usually
Do you think the banks flying fox is interesting?
Yes I do
No, I don't
It's kind of interesting
Did this small quiz help you learn more about the banks flying fox?
Yes it did
No, it didn't
It helped me a little bit
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