Topic 14: Generate & Analyze Patterns

Topic 14: Generate & Analyze Patterns



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Alexis Johnson


4th Grade

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45 sec

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The house numbers on a street follow the rule "Subtract 5". What are the next three house numbers if the first house is 25? Choose the correct house numbers and an accurate feature of the pattern.

20, 15, 10- they're all multiples of 5

21, 18, 15- they're all multiples of 3

30, 35, 40- they're all multiples of 5

20, 15, 10- they're all multiples of 10


Multiple Select

45 sec

1 pt

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Avery wrote different patterns for the rule "Subtract 6" to show her mom what she learned in school that day. Which TWO patterns below could Avery have written?

42, 36, 29, 23, 16

45, 39, 33, 27, 21

50, 55, 49, 42, 34

53, 47, 41, 35, 29


Multiple Choice

30 sec

1 pt

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Rudy's rule is "Add 2". He started with 4 and wrote these numbers: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12

Which number does NOT belong to Rudy's pattern?






Multiple Choice

45 sec

1 pt

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Stephanie wants to know how many players are participating in a competition. There are 6 teams. Follow the rule in the chart given to find how many players will be on the 6 teams and an accurate description of a feature of the pattern.

65- the number of players are all multiples of 11

66- digits in the ones place decrease by 1 for each team added

66- the number of teams is a factor of the number of players for each number pair

11- the rule is to multiply by 11


Multiple Choice

30 sec

1 pt

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Lira plays on a basketball team where all the uniform numbers are multiples of 4. If the least jersey number is 12, what are the next 4 possible jersey numbers?

4, 8, 12, 16

8, 12, 16, 20

12, 15, 18, 21

16, 20, 24, 28

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