Test.Arachnophobia for the 1st course

Анар Атамбаева
5th Grade
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5 questions
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1.What is arachnophobia?
A. fear of spiders
B. fear of insects
C. fear of height
D. stress and fear
Multiple Choice
2. How many per cent of people avoid at all costs from spiders?
A. about 10%
B. about 5%
C. about 3%
D. about 13%
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3. In what country do people eat spiders as food?
A. in Uzbekistan
B. in Germany
C. in Kazakhstan
D. in Cambodia
Multiple Choice
4. Translate the word: тарақан
A. mosquito
B. cockroach
C. spider
D. arachnid
Multiple Choice
5. Complete the sentence:… … is a technique within behavioral therapy to treat anxiety.
A. Exposure therapy
B. Creepy-crawly
C. Pest-controllers
D. flies and moths
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