Proper Maintenance of Tools and Equipment

8th Grade
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Multiple Choice
John did his drawing activity in TLE. After that, his mother told him to keep his drafting tools. Which of the following is the correct way in keeping his tools?
Store it right away.
Throw it on the trash can.
Clean it first before storing.
Leave it in your workplace.
Multiple Choice
Liza has an assignment about the proper ways in maintaining drafting tools and equipment. She needs to list down at least 3. Which of the following is not included?
Store them near the point of use.
Wash and dry properly before storing.
Have a designated place for each kind of tools.
Do not label the storage cabinet or don’t place correctly for immediate finding.
Multiple Choice
As an owner of a drafting tools and supplies in Quezon City, Ms. Roxas discuss the importance of proper storage of tools and equipment to her employees. Which of the following is NOT included?
Reduces overall tool cost through maintenance.
It will not teach workers principles of accountability.
This will ensure that tools are in good repair at hand.
Improves appearance of general-shop and construction areas.
Multiple Choice
Ms. Lara keep her workplace neat and tidy every time she uses her drafting tools and equipment. Which of the following its importance?
To make our work slow.
To make our work easily.
To make our work unstable.
To make our work unfinish.
Multiple Choice
Brook uses his drafting tools, equipment, and paraphernalia properly by keeping them in their proper storage. Which of the following its advantage?
It will greatly increase efficiency and occupational safety in workplace.
It will decrease the accuracy and productivity of the worker.
It will decrease the efficiency to work.
It will not finish the work properly.
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