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9 questions
Classroom reading scores are likely to be higher when phonics instruction is a central organizing component of the regular classroom (Tier 1) program in kindergarten and first grade. (a)
If struggling readers haven't learned good decoding by second grade, there's little point in teaching them phonics. (a)
Good readers may need less phonics instruction than poor readers or students at risk. (a)
Using phonics will slow down students and impede their progress in fluent reading for comprehension. (a)
A balanced program should have about the same amount of time devoted to phonics in first and second grade. (a)
Supplemental work in phonics skills will generalize to fluent reading for comprehension in leveled texts, without explicit teaching. (a)
Applying phonics in word reading requires both phonological and orthographic learning. (a)
There is more to word recognition than phoneme-grapheme correspondence. (a)
Reading is hard but we are in this together. (a)
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