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Reading Fluency


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    A second-grade teacher wants to help students improve their reading fluency skills. Which of the following scenarios would best help students build reading fluency?

    During whole-group instruction, the teacher calls on one student at a time to read a section of the text.

    Each student chooses a book from the class library to read independently and silently.

    The teacher assigns reading partners so that a high-level reader reads with a low-level reader from a text that is between their reading levels.

    In pairs, students orally read a text assigned by the teacher at their independent level.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    If a student is reading a fictional text with 88 percent accuracy, the student is reading at his or her–

    independent level and should be encouraged to read books at this level independently.

    instructional level and should be encouraged to read books at this level when reading at home.

    frustrational level and the teacher should provide scaffolded supports to ensure comprehension of the text.

    frustrational level and the teacher should recommend that the student read this level of text when reading with a partner.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    A third-grade teacher is working with a small group of students on building their reading fluency skills. She assesses their fluency at the middle of the school year. One student reads 84 words and makes 9 errors. What is the best way for the teacher to help this child improve fluency?

    Provide practice with word sorts that focus on the phonics skills that are evident in the student’s word reading errors.

    Time the student while reading an instructional level text and have the child practice repeated readings of the same text with a goal of improving timing in two to three days.

    Model how to read a text accurately at a fluent pace, starting with simple texts and gradually moving to more challenging texts.

    Teach the student to mark the text to assist with reading in phrases, beginning with two-word phrases and increasing the number of words in the phrases.

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