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9 questions
Outer layer of the seed that protects the plants:
Seed coat/ cubierta de semilla
Embryo/ Embrión
Cotyledons/ cotiledones
How is the baby plant called?
Cotyledon/ cotiledón
seedling/ plantulas
Embryo/ embrión
The cotyledons contain food for baby plant:
What is seed germination?
Process in wich seeds gets food/ el proceso en el que la semillas obtienen comida
Process in wich a seed converts into a plant/ el proceso en el que una semilla se convierte en planta
Process in wich seed develop roots/ proceso en el que la semillas desarrollan raíces
The seed consumes water rapildy form the soil and then it....
dissapears/ desaparece
Swell up and gets soft/ se hincha y se hace suave
multiplicates/ se multiplica
Where does the baby plant gets its food?
Only from soil/ solamente de la tierra
Only from sun/ solamente del sol
From water and cotyledons/ del agua y los cotiledones
What does the roots of the seed do?
search for more water/ buscan más agua
search for more nutrients/ buscan más nutrientes
Holds to the soil/ se agarran de la tierra
All of the above/ todas las anteriores
What do plants search once they are out of the soil?
Rain/ lluvia
Sunlight/ la luz del sol
Wind/ viento
What happens to the cotyledons once they done its job?
They become seeds again/ se convierten en semillas otra vez.
They get eaten by ants/ se los comen las hormigas
They fall and become part of the soil/ se caen y se hacen parte de la tierra.
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