
Gerlee Cabrido
6th Grade
38 plays
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5 questions
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Multiple Choice
What is enumeration?
a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others
the act of defining a problem and selecting alternatives for a solution
a statement or account that explains something
the act of making a list of things one after another
Multiple Choice
Why does enumeration easily create an impression on the minds of the readers? Because _________________.
to explain what caused an effect
to make it understandable for the readers
to reduce confusion between two related things
to explain how something works
Multiple Choice
Which presentation is used in this?
My favorite toys are dolls, blocks, play house, and skipping rope.
Multiple Choice
Which of the following does NOT show Enumeration?
My cousins are Nona, Eva, Maureen and Troy.
The sun is a ball of fire; it is round, hot, far and huge.
To have good grades: first, be attentive to your teachers; second, do your homework correctly; finally, study your lessons everyday.
The house burned down because they left the candle all night.
Multiple Choice
Which of the following paragraph is an Enumeration text-type?
Both reading books at home and going on vacation are fun. Through reading, you meet new people and see new places at less expense. Going on holiday allows you to meet new people in the flesh and see new places with your eyes.
Many people become careless of the environment. This behavior results from floods during a typhoon. The Earth is experiencing global warming, water and air are becoming polluted, affecting other creatures' lives.
Clouds are collections of millions of water droplets or ice crystals. The three primary forms of clouds are cumulus, stratus, and cirrus. Cumulus clouds are puffy with broad flat bases. Stratus clouds are flat, sheetlike clouds. They usually mean warm or possibly wet weather. Cirrus clouds are wispy clouds found at great heights.
All youths should think of plans to solve the growing problem in garbage disposal in their barangay because of foul smell from the garbage that becomes a threat to everyone's health, so they decided to start the garbage disposal plan in their homes before bringing them outside.
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