starting and shutting down a computer
1st Grade
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Multiple Choice
Starting a computer
Step 1 _____________________________________ .
Switch on the monitor by pressing the power button on it
Switch on the power switch
Switch on UPS by pressing the power button on it
Switch on the CPU by pressing the power button on it
Multiple Choice
Starting a computer
Step 2 _____________________________________ .
Switch on the monitor by pressing the power button on it
Switch on the power switch
Switch on UPS by pressing the power button on it
Switch on the CPU by pressing the power button on it
Multiple Choice
Starting a computer
Step 3 _____________________________________ .
Switch on the monitor by pressing the power button on it
Switch on the power switch
Switch on UPS by pressing the power button on it
Switch on the CPU by pressing the power button on it
Multiple Choice
Starting a computer
Step 4 _____________________________________ .
Switch on the monitor by pressing the power button on it
Switch on the power switch
Switch on UPS by pressing the power button on it
Switch on the CPU by pressing the power button on it
Multiple Choice
Shutting down a computer
Step 1 _____________________________________ .
Switch off the monitor by pressing the power button on it
Switch off the power switch
Switch off UPS by pressing the power button on it
Click on the start button
Click on the shut down option
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