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45 questions
It is defined as a scientific instrument purposely designed to record the psycho-physiological changes that occur within the body especially of lying when questioned.
lie detector
lie detection
The scientific method of detecting deception with the aid of
an scientific instrument.
lie detector
lie detection
How shall the scientific method of detecting deception be administered?
by observing the physical reaction of the subject during the test
by asking question to the subject pertinent to the case under investigation.
by observing the psycho-physiological reactions of the subject
by interviewing the subject
The word polygraph is a combination of two words “poly” which means:
Writing chart
He studied fear and its influence on the heart in which his observation subsequently formed the basis of detection technique.
Angelo Mosso
Cesare Lombroso
William M. Marston
John Larson
He developed the sphygmomanometer and “scientific cradle” which was designed to measure the flow of blood while a person lay on his back in a prone position.
Cesare Lombroso
John Larson
William M. Marston
Angelo Mosso
He employed the first scientific instrument to detect deception, which was known as hydrosphygmograph, an instrument to measures changes in pulse and blood pressure when suspects were asked about their involvement in a particular offense?
Angelo Mosso
William M. Marston
Leonarde Keeler
Cesare Lombroso
He was accorded the distinction of being the first person to utilize an instrument for the purpose of detecting lies.
Angello Mosso
Vittorio Benussi
Cesare Lombroso
Leonarde Keeler
He was considered as the father of the modern polygraphy.
He conducted numerous test for detecting deception utilizing the changes in systolic blood pressure. He also favored the discontinuous method of reading systolic pressure.
Cesare Lombroso
William M. Marston
Harold Burtt
Angelo Mosso
The person who lies in order to avoid the consequences of confession. He or she afraid of embarrassment to avoid ones and is a serious blow to his or her ego.
Panic liar
Black liar
Pathological liar
Psychological liar
This person is a practical liar and lies when it has a higher payoff then telling the truth or someone who lies for years.
Panic liar
Pathological liar
Occupational liar/Professional
Psychopathic liar
This type of liar has no conscience. He shows no regret for his dishonest actions and no manifestation of guilt. This is the most difficult type of liar he is a good actor he can fool most investigator.
Pathological liar
Psychopathic liar
Black liar
Panic liar
It refers to the person who cannot distinguish what is right from wrong, or a person who is mentally sick.
Pathological liar
Black liar
Psychopathic liar
Panic liar
It refers to a person who always pretends and a hypocrite.
Black liar
Panic liar
Psychopathic liar
Pathological liar
The type of lies used to maintain harmony of friendship, harmony of the home or office.
Malicious lie/Black lie
Red lie
Benign or white lie
Black lie
This lie is common to communist countries. This lie is used to destroy other ideologies by means of propaganda.
Malicious lie/Black lie
Lie of exaggeration
Benign lie or white lie
Red lie
The chronic lie purely used to mislead justice, a pure dishonesty to obstruct justice.
Malicious lie/Black lie
Red lie
Benign lie or white lie
Lie of exaggeration
The following are the signs of lie, EXCEPT;
Length of time before giving response.
Unreluctant to submit for polygraph examination.
Failure of subject to look straight into the examiner’s eyes.
Swearing to God
It refers to any deviation (change) from the subject’s normal tracing.
Specific responses
Normal tracing
The tracing wherein no question is asked or irrelevant question is asked to the subject.
Normal tracing
Specific tracing
None of these
What is the function of the galvanograph in the polygraph machine?
Breathing of the subject
Blood pressure and pulse rate
Skin resistance of the subject
To record respiration
Component of lie detector which records the pulse rate, amplitude and changes of blood pressure.
Physiological changes recorded on the polygraph caused by this emotion being experienced by a deceptive subject.
Fear of the examination
Fear of embarrassment
Fear of the polygraph
Fear of detection
Among the four components of polygraph, the most valuable or reliable indicators in detecting deception are___;
Respiratory and blood pressure
Increase in breathing cycle
Pulse rate
Galvanic skin reflex
Which of the following is the primary objective of polygraph test?
To determine if a person is telling the truth.
To speed up process of investigation.
To eliminate innocent subject.
To identify other persons involved.
He was credited as the creator of the systolic blood pressure test used, and employed it in an attempt to detect deception during questioning, using standard blood pressure cuff stethoscope.
Leonarde Keeler
Angelo Mosso
William M. Marston
He was considered as the father of the modern polygraphy. He conducted numerous test for detecting deception utilizing the changes in systolic blood pressure. He also favored the discontinuous method of reading systolic pressure.
Leonarde Keeler
Ceasare Lombroso
John A. Larson
Francis Galton
He was considered as the father of scientific lie detection for being the first person to verify the truth and detect deception in a more scientific way.
John A. Larson
Leonarde Keeler
Ceasare Lombroso
Francis Galton
What is the invention of Loenarde Keeler that he was incorporated as one of the component of polygraph machine that serve as a paper feed mechanism?
It is the polygraph machine component invented by Physiologist Galvani to measure’s skin resistance to electricity by transmitting a constant minute electrical current through the skin of the selected fingertips.
He suggested that the changes in respiration were an indication of deception.
Harold Burtt
Cesare Beccaria
James Makenzie
Angelo Mosso
He is the first person used the term psychogalvanic reflex to use in the word association test.
Vittorio Benussi
Angelo Mosso
Daniel Defoe
He described how he recorded the subject’s breathing using a Maley Pneumograph, noting the changes in respiration-expiration ration during deception.
Angelo Mosso
Vittorio Benussi
Daniel Defoe
What is the purpose of the examination why the subject is required to answer all questions by yes or no only.
To avoid interruption during examination
To avoid distortion of the chart tracing
To shorten the examination
None of the above
It is the type of probable lie question which include the relevant time period under investigation.
It is the question to which it is likely that the examinee is untruthful with his answer.
Subjected lie control question
Exclusive lie control question
Directed lie control question
Probable lie control question
The question that designed to ensure that the examiner will not ask unreviewed questions or that the examinee is not afraid that the examiner will ask unreviewed questions.
Sacrifice relevant question
Symptomatic question
Irrelevant question
Control question
What is the length of cardio pen of the polygraph machine?
7 inches
5 inches
4 inches
6 inches
Part of cardiosphygmograph component which indicates the air pressure in the system in millimeters of mercury.
Rubber pump
Finger electrode
Air cuff
The question that introduces the relevant question to the subject.
Sacrifice relevant question
Symptomatic question
Irrelevant question
Control question
It is the type of relevant question addresses the primary issues or direct involvement of thee subject on the matter under question.
Guilty knowledge
Secondary relevant
Primary relevant
Evidence connecting question
It is designed to probe whether the subject possesses information regarding the identity of the offender of the or the facts of the case under investigation.
Secondary relevant
Evidence connecting question
Primary relevant
Guilty knowledge
The relevant that deals with the physical acts that support the primary issue.
Evidence connecting question
Primary relevant
Secondary relevant
Guilty knowledge
It is the question which is the same in nature with that of the relevant question but broader in scope.
Control question
Irrelevant question
Sacrifice relevant question
Symptomatic question
The upward movement of the cardio pen caused by the contraction of the heart.
Systolic stroke
Diastolic stroke
Vertical lines
Dicrotic notch
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