Professional Development

Professional Development


Product Owner


102 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    A Scrum Team has been working on a product for 9 Sprints. A new Product Owner who is new to Scrum joins the team and understands she is accountable for the Product Backlog. However, she is unsure about the purpose of the Product Backlog. She has read that the Product Backlog should be a list of all user features for the product. She goes to the Scrum Master asking where to put the other types of requirements that are going to be taken into account. Are all of the following types of requirements acceptable on a Product Backlog?

    - Stability requirements

    - Performance requirements

    - Product Functionality

    - Documentation

    Yes, they all belong on the Product Backlog. The Product Backlog is supposed to be the "single source of truth" for all the work for the product.

    No. Product Backlog is a tool for the Product Owner. The Product Owner represents the users and stakeholders. Other types of requirements should be managed separately by the Developers. They are not the Product Owner's concern.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    The IT manager asks a Scrum Team for a status report describing the progress throughout the Sprint. The Scrum Team asks the Scrum Master for advice. The Scrum Master should:

    Tell the Scrum Team to figure it out themselves.

    Ask the Product Owner to send the manager the report.

    Tell the Developers to fit the report into the Sprint Backlog.

    Create and deliver the report to the manager herself.

    Talk to the IT manager and explain that progress in Scrum comes from inspecting an Increment at the Sprint Review.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    When there are multiple teams working on one product, each Scrum Team should have a separate Product Owner.



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