Character Quiz on Via (Wonder)
Bhavya B
4th - 7th Grade
5 plays
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14 questions
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Multiple Select
Olivia is a ____ girl.
Select all that apply.
Multiple Select
What did she love about living with Grans?
Nobody noticed her.
Was away from everything that made her mad.
She was away from her parents.
She got all of Grans attention.
Multiple Select
Why did Via stop being friends with Miranda? Select all that apply.
Miranda was distant.
Miranda was not the same.
She was jealous of Miranda and Ella's friendship.
Miranda and Ella left Via out.
Multiple Select
What did Via love best about middle school? Select all that apply
She could spent time with friends
She could be Olivia Pullman, form her own identity.
Many people did not know about August.
It was separate and different from home
Multiple Choice
How did Via deal with it when Miranda and Ella changed in high school?
She faked her friendship.
She made new friends.
She told them how she felt.
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