The Last Dog - Comprehension Check
Miles Butler
5th - 7th Grade
16 plays
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10 questions
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Multiple Choice
Where does Brock live
On Mars
In Long Island
In The Dome
Multiple Choice
Why was Brock afraid about going outside
His parents went outside the dome and never came back.
He heard of people getting lost outside of the dome not coming back.
He thinks there are too many dangerous creatures outside of the dome.
He doesn't like the environment outside of the dome.
Multiple Choice
Why did Brock want to explore outside of the dome?
his scientific research on the outside world because he is a scientist.
his parents
his past traumatic events
because it is his destiny
Multiple Choice
What do people believe about the outside world
It is a safe and glorious utopia
It is intoxicated and is very dangerous
It is a mythical but dangerous world filled with dragons and fiends
it is the same boring world of 9 - 5 jobs and low pay
Multiple Choice
What is the dog's name in The Last Dog
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