A level Spanish Subjunctive


Maureen Graham
World Languages
12th Grade
168 plays
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12 questions
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Multiple Choice
Which of the following represents the Subjunctive mood ?
Multiple Choice
Which of the following DOES NOT require the Subjunctive mood in Spanish
Phrases of emotion
Phrases of certainty
Phrases of doubt
Impersonal set phrases which usually include the trigger word "que"
Multiple Choice
Which of the following ALWAYS need the Subjunctive in Spanish ?
Expressions of uncertainty
Future plans
Past events
Events that might happen
Multiple Select
To form the Subjunctive mood , what is our starting point ..?
Present tense - Plural "we " form
Present tense -First person (I)
Present tense - he /she form
Present tense - Plural 3rd person (they)
Multiple Choice
After choosing the First person present, what do you do ?
Add an "n"
Drop the "o", then add the opposite ending (eg AR verbs take e)
Add an e
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