Christmas Challenge - Romania
Violeta Iacentiuc
9th - 12th Grade
51 plays
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20 questions
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Multiple Choice
How long are the winter celebrations in Romania?
from 20th December till 7th January
from 7th December till 20th January
from 22nd December till 7th January
from 6th December till 7th January
Multiple Choice
Which day is Ignat Day, when people kill one pig and share the meat with family and neighbors?
20th December
22nd December
2nd December
24th December
Multiple Choice
In this evening, children clean their shoes or boots and leave them by the door and hope that Moș Nicolae will leave them some small presents!
5th December
6th December
20th December
24th December
Multiple Choice
A tradition says that if it snows on December 6th, Sfantul Nicolae has shaken his .......???........ so that winter can begin.
long hair
Multiple Choice
In which day is the tradition in Romania to decorate the Christmas Tree?
6th December
16th December
24th December
25th December
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