Water Cycle Easy Quiz (BrainPop Jr.)
Lateia Kelly
1st - 3rd Grade
24 plays
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5 questions
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Multiple Choice
What happens when water evaporates?
It changes from a solid to a liquid.
It changes from a gas to a solid.
It changes from a liquid to a gas.
It changes from a gas to a liquid.
Multiple Choice
What might happen if it rains in a polluted area?
Animals will come to the area and clean it.
The area will stop being polluted by people.
Pollution will keep the area from flooding.
Rain might carry pollution into rivers.
Multiple Choice
What powers the water cycle?
the Sun
Multiple Choice
What happens when there is more water than the air can hold?
The water turns into water vapor and rises up.
The water falls to the ground as precipitation.
The water evaporates and turns into clouds.
The water condenses and turns into a gas.
Multiple Choice
Where can you find most of the Earth's water?
in the oceans
in the clouds
frozen in ice caps
under the ground
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