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9 questions
If we have elitism in our evolutionary algorithm, which of the following is TRUE:
The next generation completely replaces the current generation
The fitness of the population’s best individual cannot decrease
We use a mix of the current and new generations, typically using 10% of the new generation
Which of the following statements are true about Novelty Search:
Novelty Search requires a fitness function
Novelty Search requires a behavioural descriptor
The novelty archive stores all the encountered types of solutions
The novelty archive keeps only the best solution found.
Which of the following statements about Selection Operators is FALSE?
For each selection:
With the roulette wheel: an individual with twice the fitness of another individual is twice as likely to be selected
With a simple tournament: The individual with the most fitness will always be selected
With a simple tournament: The individual with the least fitness will never be selected
How can you deal with a fitness function that may take negative values in a roulette wheel selection operator:
It is not possible to use the roulette wheel in these cases
We can scale the fitness values between 0 and 1 and then use the roulette wheel as per usual
Use the roulette wheel as per usual
Which of the following would be the best fitness function for a robot trying to drive a car without crashing it:
The number of crashes while driving
Miles driven without crashes
Time spent in the car
When using the cross-over operator, if one of the children is the same as one of the parents, then both of the parents must be identical
Without additional mechanisms in place, like diversity preservations, an EA can get stuck at local optimums like just like gradient descent.
The cross-over operator is mandatory in Evolutionary Algorithms
Which of the following statements are true about the concept of behavioural descriptor:
It is used to define different types of solutions
It is used to compute distances between solutions
It always includes the fitness function
It is never related to the fitness function
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