closest in meaning

Zhew Khng
8th Grade
100 plays
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Multiple Choice
Please choose the closest meaning in You look blue.
You look fragile
You look miserable
You dress nice in blue
Your hands are blue with cold
Multiple Choice
Please choose the closest meaning in I have been having some fainting spells.
I faint quite frequently
I can't spell the term
I'm very scrawny
I'm faint-hearted
Multiple Choice
Please choose the closest meaning in I’m not pleased with the health check-up.
I’m not sad about the health check-up
I’m not annoyed at the health check-up
I’m not disturbed by the health check-up
I’m not satisfied with the health check-up
Multiple Choice
Please choose the closest meaning in You should go for a second opinion.
You should give another opinion
You should see another specialist
You should write down your view
You should go to see a psychotherapist
Multiple Choice
Please choose the closest meaning in A good start in life.
Starting a life with a good change
Starting in a very favourable way
A start of new life with affection
To start a good association
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