Simple Past Verb To Be
Alejandro Rojas
1st - 3rd Grade
717 plays
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Mi hermana estaba en la casa
My sister were in the house
My sister was in house
My sister was in the house
My sister was the house
Multiple Choice
La amiga estaba en el parque
The friend was the park
The friend was in park
The friend were in the park
The friend was in the park
Multiple Choice
Mi hermano era el líder del grupo
My brother were the leader of the group
My brother was the leader of the group
My sister were the leader of the group
My sister was the leader of the group
Multiple Choice
La biblioteca era muy grande
The library was much big
The library were very big
The library was very big
The library were much big
Multiple Choice
Los estudiantes estaban en casa
The students was in the house
The students was at home
The students were in the house
The students were at home
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