Georgia's Legislative Branch of Government
Andrew Irvin
History, Social Studies
8th Grade
15 plays
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34 questions
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Multiple Select
What are the two parts of the Georgia General Assembly?
Executive Branch
State House of Representatives
State Senate
Legislative Branch
Multiple Choice
The Lieutenant Governor is leader of the
Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
House of Representatives
State Senate
Multiple Choice
Age requirements of Georgia's elected officials: ___State House of Representatives, ___ State Senate, ___ Governor
30, 25, 21
25, 21, 30
21, 25, 30
25, 30, 21
Multiple Select
True or False...."State legislators (State House of Reps and State Senate) are elected to a 4 year term with a limit of 2 consecutive terms."
Multiple Choice
One job of our Georgia General Assembly members is to redraw the voting districts to be of equal population (redistricting). How often does this happen?
every 2years
every 5 years
every 10 years
every 15 years
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