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8 questions
What's the weather like today?
It's cloudy and cold
It's stormy and windy
It's rainy and wet
What's the weather like today?
It's snowy and cold
It's hot and dry
It's windy and cloudy
What's the weather like today?
It's stormy and rainy
It's sunny and wet
It's cold and dry
What's the weather like today?
It's windy and dry
It's cloudy and sunny
It's rainy and wet
What's the weather like today?
It's stormy and windy
It's rainy and hot
It's snowy and cold
What's the weather like today?
it's rainy and windy
It's sunny and dry
It's snowy and cloudy
What's the weather like today?
It's sunny and hot
It's snowy and wet
It's stormy and cold
What's the weather like today?
It's rainy and cloudy
It's windy and cold
It's hot and dry
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