Ergonomics Quiz
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João Mattos
Professional Development
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Multiple Choice
What is the definition of ergonomics?
How a person interacts with a product and their environment
The study of the measurements and proportions of the human body
Examining how well a product performs in the market
Multiple Select
Why is ergonomics important to a designer in a work place?
Because it increases efficiency
Because it gives the company a good reputation
Because it reduces errors and accidents
Because it increases productivity
Multiple Choice
Ergonomic means?
Adjusting worker to the job
Fitting the job to the worker
Fitting worker to the job
Fitting workplace to the worker
Multiple Choice
Which is NOT a principles in application of anthropometric data?
Design for extremes of individuals
Design for gender
Design for adjustable range
Design for average
Multiple Choice
What is wrong with this gentleman's posture?
Feet not flat on floor
Sitting with his back not straight.
Monitor is too far
His shirt is not clean.
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