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9 questions
Sebatian terdiri daripada dua atau lebih unsur yang bercampur secara ....................
A compound consists of two or more elements that are mixed .......................
Yang manakah diantara berikut merupakan contoh bagi sebatian.
Which of the following are examples of compounds?
Air kencing
Garam biasa
Table salt
Karbon dioksida
Carbon dioxide
Larutan gula
Sugar solution
Unsur logam dan oksigen bergabung secara kimia membentuk suatu sebatian. Pilih sebatian yang tepat.
Metal and oxygen combine chemically to form a compound. Choose the correct compunds.
kuprum + oksigen → kuprum sulfida
magnesium + oksigen → magnesium oksida
zink + oksigen → zink oksida
besi + oksigen → besi nitrat
.................. ialah proses penguraian sesuatu sebatian kepada unsur-unsurnya apabila arus elektrik mengalir melaluinya.
.................. is a chemical decomposition of a compound to its elements by passing an electric current through the compound.
Apakah nama bagi elektrod positif yang digunakan untuk mengasingkan sebatian air?
What are the names of positive electrode and negative electrode used to separate the water compound?
Namakan gas-gas yang terhasil di anod dan katod semasa elektrolisis.
Name the gases produced at anode and cathode during electrolysis.
anod: oksigen
anode: oxygen
katod: hidrogen
cathode: hydrogen
anod: hidrogen
anode: hydrogen
katod: oksigen
cathode: oxygen
Berapakah nisbah gas hidrogen kepada gas oksigen yang terhasil daripada proses elektrolisis?
What is the ratio of hydrogen gas to oxygen gas produced from electrolysis?
Nyatakan perbezaan antara campuran dengan sebatian yang betul.
State the correct differences between a mixture and a compound.
Sebatian: Pembentukan bahan baharu
Compound: Formation of new substances
Campuran: Ada perbezaan sifat bahan baharu berbanding dengan sifat bahan asal.
Mixture: Have different properties of new substances compared to the original.
Sebatian: Kaedah pengasingan secara kimia
Compound: Separation method by chemically
Campuran: Ikatan kimia terbentuk
Mixture: Chemical bond formed.
Yang manakah diantara berikut adalah zarah-zarah dalam sebatian?
Which of the following are the particles in a compound?
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