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25 questions
What is the possible temperature of the solution formed when ammonium chloride powder is dissolved in water at room temperature?
Berapakah kemungkinan suhu larutan yang terbentuk apabila serbuk ammonium klorida dilarutkan dalam air pada suhu bilik?
Which of the following involves an exothermic reaction?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah melibatkan tindak balas eksotermik?
Which of the following statements is related to an exothermic reaction?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah berkaitan dengan tindak balas eksotermik?
The container becomes hot
Bekas menjadi panas
Heat is absorbed from the surroundings
Haba diserap dari sekeliling
Decomposition of metal nitrates
Penguraian nitrat logam
Concentrated sulphuric acid is diluted with water
Asid sulfurik pekat dicairkan dengan air
An athlete puts a cold pack on an inflamed joint, due to sprained leg. Which of the following chemicals is found in the cold pack?
Seorang olahragawan meletakkan pek sejuk pada bahagian sendi yang bengkak disebabkan terseliuh. Antara bahan kimia berikut, yang manakah terkandung dalam pek sejuk itu?
Calcium hydroxide
Kalsium hidroksida
Sodium chloride
Natrium klorida
Potassium oxide
Kalium oksida
Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium nitrat
What is the name of the chemical reaction in which heat is absorbed?
Apakah nama tindak balas kimia di mana haba diserap?
Exothermic reaction
Tindak balas eksotermik
Endothermic reaction
Tindak balas endotermik
Reversible reaction
Tindak balas berbalik
Substitutive reaction
Tindak balas gantian
Which of the following is the reaction involved in the photosynthesis?
Manakah antara berikut merupakan tindak balas yang terlibat dalam fotosintesis?
Exothermic reaction
Tindak balas eksotermik
Endothermic reaction
Tindak balas endotermik
Reversible reaction
Tindak balas berbalik
Condensation reaction
Tindak balas kondendasi
What is the reaction involved when cooking food?
Apakah tindak balas yang terlibat apabila memasak makanan?
Exothermic reaction
Tindak balas eksotermik
Endothermic reaction
Tindak balas endotermik
Reversible reaction
Tindak balas berbalik
Condensation reaction
Tindak balas kondendasi
The diagram shows the setup of an experiment. Which of the following reactions are involved in processes X and Y?
Rajah menunjukkan susunan satu eksperimen. Antara tindak balas berikut, yang manakah terlibat dalam proses X dan Y?
X: Endothermik / Endotermik
Y: Exothermic / Eksotermik
X: Endothermik / Endotermik
Y: Endothermik / Endotermik
X: Exothermic / Eksotermik
Y: Endothermik / Endotermik
X: Exothermic / Eksotermik
Y: Exothermic / Eksotermik
Choose two examples of endothermic reaction.
Pilih dua contoh tindak bals endotermik.
Evaporation of water
Penyejatan air
Melting of ice
Pencairan ais
Choose two correct statements.
Pilih dua pernyataan yang betul.
Freezing absorbs heat from surrounding.
Pembekuan menyerap haba dari persekitaran.
An exothermic reaction is the process of forming a chemical bond.
Tindak balas eksotermik merupakan proses oembentukan ikatan kimia.
An endothermic reaction cause the surrounding temperature to decrease.
Tindak balas endotermik menyebabkan suhu persekitaran emnurun.
The breaking of chemical bonds releases heat.
Pemutusan ikatan kimia membebaskan haba.
The diagram shows the characteristics of endothermic and exothermic reactions. What is represented by X?
Rajah menunjukkan ciri-ciri bagi tindak balas endotermik dan eksotermik. Apakan yang diwakili oleh X?
Heat is released.
Haba dibebaskan.
Heat is absorbed.
Haba diserap.
Involves physical change.
Melibatkan perubahan fizikal.
Involves temperature change.
Melibatkan perubahan suhu.
What is the measuring device that is suitable to identify endothermic and exothermic reactions?
Apakah alat pengukur yang sesuai untuk mengenal pasti tindak balas endotermik dan eksotermik?
Which of the following involves heat being absorbed?
Manakah antara berikut yang melibatkan penyerapan haba?
Burning a candle.
Membakar lilin.
Pouring a concentrated acid into water.
Menuang asid pekat ke dalam air.
Adding solid sodium hydroxide to water.
Menuang pepejal natrium hidroksida kepada air.
Decomposition of calcium carbonate by heating.
Penguraian kalsium karbonate melalui pemanasan.
Which of the following graphs represents the reaction between ammonium nitrate and water?
Antara graf berikut, yang manakah mewakili tindak balas antara ammonium nitrat dengan air?
50 ml of sulphuric acid is mixed with 50 ml of potassium hydroxide into a polystyrene cup. Which of the following are related to the activity?
50 mo asid sulfurik dicampurkan dengan 50 ml kalium hidroksida di dalam cawan polistirena. Antara beriku, yang manakah berkaitan dengan aktiviti itu?
Heat is released.
Haba dibbebaskan.
The polystyrene cup becomes hot.
Cawan polistirena menjadi panas.
Reading of thermometer decreases.
Bacaan termometer menurun.
An endothermic reaction occurs.
Tindak balas endotermik berlaku.
What is the meaning of the thermochemistry?
Apakah maksud termokimia?
Study of heat change when reactions occur.
Kajian tentang perubahan haba semasa tindak balas berlaku.
Study on the formation of new materials.
Kajian tentang pembentukan bahan baharu.
Study on natural phenomena.
Kajian tentang fenomena alam.
Study on chemical composition.
Kajian tentang komposisi kimia.
Which of the following process is exothermic?
Manakah antara proses berikut merupakan eksotermik?
Which of the following reaction releases heat?
Manakah antara tindak balas berikut membebaskan haba?
Potassium chloride salt with water.
Garam kalium klorida dengan air.
Ethanoic acid with sodium carbonate.
Asid etanoik dengan natrium karbonat.
Hydrochloric acid with potassium hydroxide.
Asid hidroklorik dengan kalium hidroksida.
Hydrochloric acid with potassium hydrogen carbonate.
Asid hidroklorik dengan kalium hidrogen karbonat.
The diagram explains about reaction X. What is reaction X?
Rajah menerangkan tentang tindak balas X. Apakah tindak balas X?
Firecracker explosion
Pembakaran mercun
What is the meaning of thermal equilibrium?
Apakah maksud keseimbangan terma?
The reactant and the product have different temperature.
Bahan tindak balas dan hasil tindak balas mempunyai suhu yang berbeza.
The reactant and the product have same temperature.
Bahan tindak balas dan hasil tindak balas mempunyai suhu yang sama.
When the final temperature of mixture still vary.
Apabila suhu akhir sesuatu campuran masih berubah-ubah.
When the final temperature of mixture has become constant.
Apabila suhu akhir sesuatu campuran telah menjadi malar.
Ah Guan take out pack J and squeezed it when climbing Mount Kinabalu to reduce coolness. What is the chemical substance contained in pack J?
Ah Guan mengeluarkan pek J dan memicitnya ketika mendaki Gunung Kinabalu untuku mengurangkan kesejukan. Apakah bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam pek J?
Potassium nitrate
Kalium nitrat
Ammonium chloride
Ammonium klorida
Sodium thiosulphate
Natrium tiosulfat
Anhydrous calcium chloride
Kalsium klorida kotang
The diagram shows a chemical reaction. What is the possible temperature of the of the ammonium chloride solution?
Rajah menunjukkan satu tindak balas kimia. Apakah kemungkinan suhu larutan ammonium klorida?
What is the concept used in the cold pack?
Apakah konsep yang digunakan dalam pek sejuk?
Endothermic reaction
Tindak balas endotermik
Exothermic reaction
Tindak balas eksotermik
Reduction reaction
Tindak balas penurunan
Oxidation reaction
Tindak balas pengoksidaan
Choose two correct statements about endothermic reaction.
Pilih dua pernyataan yang betul mengenai tindak balas endotermik.
Reaction that releases heat into the surrounding.
Tindak balas yang membebaskan haba ke persekitaran.
Used in cold packs.
Digunakan dalam pek sejuk.
The condition of the container becomes hot.
Keadaan bekas tindak balas menjadi panas.
The temperature of the surrounding decreases.
Suhu persekitaran menurun.
The diagram shows sublimation process that occurs on dry ice. This process is endothermic. Why?
Rajah menunjukkan proses pemejalwapan yang berlaku pada ais kering. Proses ini merupakan endotermik. Mengapa?
New substance is formed.
Berlaku pembentukan bahan baru.
There is a conversion of energy.
Berlaku pertukaran bentuk tenaga.
Dry ice absorbs heat from the surroundings.
Ais kering menyerap haba dari persekitaran.
The water vapour formed is very cold.
Wap yang terbentuk adalah sangat sejuk.
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